Faris Yakob

15 July 2024 If creative work was deterministically predictable then movie studios would only release hits. In modern marketing, signals and statistics are both abundant and immediate and suggest that marketing outcomes are predictable - this is a deeply flawed idea, writes Faris Yakob: if there is a scientific framing to marketing, however, it is likely to be quantum.
13 June 2024 Edgy campaigns can sometimes work well for non-edgy brands like banks, but beware the risks, writes Faris Yakob. 
09 May 2024 A few months on from the Super Bowl, the biggest advertising moment in the US marketing calendar, it’s worth considering how much of the work, richly produced and expensively promoted, remains in the memory - opening up bigger questions about how people actually watch the advertising around big events, writes Faris Yakob. 
11 April 2024 Are you an agency or a consultancy? A principal or an agent? Does it matter? Faris Yakob goes in search of the fundamental building blocks of the advertising business. 
19 February 2024 Advertisers that have gone all-in on performance media have essentially abandoned the signaling value of media, explains Faris Yakob  –  those signals are about to get much, much harder to see. Here’s how marketers need to react. 
14 December 2023 The client-agency relationship is the foundation for the work and getting it right from the outset will make everything easier and more effective, argues Faris Yakob, in an examination of the robust guidelines and briefs set out by Kellogg’s back in 1989. 
06 November 2023 Building memories requires repetition, whereas refreshing them is easier, which is why advertising is always more effective for brands people already know, argues Faris Yakob, in an exploration of the research around memory structures and why ads should typically run for much longer than they do.
04 October 2023 Welcome to the Yolo Economy, where across the world many are living in the moment, for the moment, where economic downturns were predicted but – despite a cost-of-living crisis, war and dwindling pandemic-era savings – people continue to spend, sometimes like there’s literally no tomorrow. Faris Yakob delves into the strange new state of economic affairs and what it all means.
24 August 2023 Metaphors help us to connect abstractions, to find the links that guide us to an idea - in marketing, they are fundamental in shaping the work marketers do and how they understand themselves, writes Faris Yakob. 
25 July 2023 Words matter - though advertising alone won’t solve the biggest economic, social, and political problems, the messages it broadcasts and the promises it and brands make are vital, argues Faris Yakob. 
02 June 2023 Faris Yakob looks ahead to this year’s Cannes Lions Awards, mixing experience and the very latest technology to explore what and who might win.  
10 May 2023 Advertising testing remains controversial for its tendency to consensus, especially among creatives, and as it becomes even more automated - Faris Yakob tests the question of testing.
06 April 2023 Coca-Cola’s latest campaign plays with the brand’s place in the art world - Faris Yakob takes the work, and its interactive experiences for a spin.
08 February 2023 Ahead of the Super Bowl LVII, Faris Yakob explores the phenomenon of the event and the opportunities and constraints that the biggest stage in the world's biggest advertising market offers to brands.
06 January 2023 Where does creativity come from, and where are the finest, most useful connections made? In the spaces in-between, observes Faris Yakob.
07 December 2022 Faris Yakob on how a new S-curve for artificial intelligence will change advertising and agencies.
14 November 2022 Celebrities have been used to sell products since the 19th century, but the politics and ethics of celebrity in a world with social media (and Kanye West) present new challenges to both the influencer and the brand, as the nature of the relationship changes.
03 October 2022 Faris Yakob on music as ‘memory candy’, and its use as the ultimate shorthand of emotion.
04 September 2022 We live in interesting times: Faris Yakob explores the tensions facing brands and advertising as consumers start to feel the pinch.
19 July 2022 Following record temperatures this week  –  an alarming, tangible example of our warming change  –  Faris Yakob considers the paradox in the advertising conversation.
02 June 2022 Faris Yakob unpacks the history of names, signifiers, and ultimately portmanteaus. 
28 April 2022 Faris Yakob delves into the history and philosophy of a vital tool for strategists: the presentation.
05 April 2022 What bearing does luck have on advertising, asks Faris Yakob, who finds in a recent book - ‘Go Luck Yourself’ by Andy Nairn - a form of resilience that looks for what is possible with a rigorous examination of the situation.
02 March 2022 We have ways of testing creative, ways of measuring its effectiveness, but what do we actually know about how to make creative and effective advertising? asks Faris Yakob.
03 February 2022 The beginning of the year is always a time for trends, but knowing how to think about trends can be more useful than the trends themselves; Faris Yakob proposes three critical questions to ask.